Saturday, October 31, 2009
You Can Do It !
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
hiyak dush !

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I hope im back girls ..

Sunday, October 18, 2009
remember the days .. ?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
hiyak dush !

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
never be replaced
this video was created by nur izzwany bte sa'ad , pictures was taken way back .. those time we had , the tears ,the joys , the laughters .. gosh ! i miss you girls like hell lots ! i miss having fun with this two besties .. those memories we had ..those time we spent together doing nothing just sitting down each with a drink at our usual places,talking craps non stop .. or just plainly entertaining ourselves day dreaming hahaha ! menjiwanging , camwhoring , singing , dancing ,crapping, kutuking,gossiping,crying,laughing,smiling,kacau-ing hahaha ! and many more 'ingS' haha ! years with you girls are just wonderful , i repeat ehk , years with you girls are just wonderful !!! let's give deaf ears to those who talk bad bout each of us .. woohoo !! haha coz u knw y ? we knw ourselves deep dwn .. so watevr bullshits we're abt to here thats not gona break our friendship .. for those who have tried u people knw how hard it is to break us apart.. before u try , think twice coz ur gona failed .. hiyak dush !!huahuahuahua da go gugugaga over this topic .. huak! haha bottom line i love hanis amirah bte rosani & nur izzwany bte sa'ad !!
what the ..
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
ajoya nicanora !
Saturday, October 3, 2009
gaaaaaahhhhhh !!!
as'salammualaikum semua .. hehe .. its been such a loooooooong time i met up wif this 2 boys ..gaaahh! finally rindu ku telah diubati haha ! yes uncle brought them here yay uncle ! haha .. oh hazri,u've grown n yes i must say u look like ur big bro wen he was little .. exactly e same..e looks,e smile,ur personality...lgk2 wen ur hyper dtg..adui ! haifi num 2 lar awak hazri..haha !
i was using e laptop , searching 4 songs wen i heard a little voices laughing ..i popped out my head n i saw hazri ..i was like .. wah ! awak da besar lar ! haha ..kae i gt hugs frm both yay! haha ..haifi was all excited wen he saw me , yela da nk 2 thn tk jmpe tau rindu kakak sdare dieer yg satu nie lar haha. hazri wasnt able to recognise us as at dat point of time his still afew mths old ..okae yada yada yada ..they were running here n der .. n i was smiling .. ape tk nye da lame tk npk kn .. drg serak kn bilik pun i da dun mind lar yg penting drg happy .. hazri saw my elmo collections n guess wat .. he shouted 'elmon!' .. gosh i couldnt stop laughing .. cute banget deh ..haifi plak ader ditepi biliku sorok2 ntah uat ape rupe2 nye npk keychain liverpool..peminat besar katekn so he was like ' kakak aipi nk nie blh plz ? *blink* ' .. dlm hati da mcm ' almk pi,bynk2 benda u ask 4 dat adui .. ' , so bagi je lar hahaha tk dpt jmpe kakak nnt tgk keychain jek kae .. umur aru 7thn tapi minat dier kat bola fuh tk terkata,cube lar u all tanye dier psl kereta sume nye dier blh ans sng , segale name kereta dier hafal ..da besar kalau tk jadi pemain bola atau penjual kereta tk tau lar nk ckp ape kn .. hahaha !
so took pics of them eventhough kat lappy da berlambak ..hahaha ! gaaahhh !! 2 da dpt jmpe lgk 4 mane ilg? asl yg ilg sume lelaki ? grrrr .. lgk2 abg mamat ku , npk adk sdare sendiri mcm da tk knl..senyum jek bih tk ckp sedih tau ..thn nie da masuk kire2 4 thn tk jmpe abg .. raye pun tk dtg umah nani .. abg ,if ur able to read dis , plz dtg umah nani ... adk2 sume rindu abg,ismail n isa .. kite incomplete tau raye u all tkde berturut2 :(
to adk kiki , kak zura rindu kiki ..dtg sengkang lar jmpe kak2 sume kite rindu awak tau .. guess u've grown up too ..gaaahhhh !!! asl my cousins yg lelaki sume ilg sey .. tinggal si boboy jek dier tu kecik tk tau pape :(
to u ,
y isit dat it feels we're drifting further apart?kemana kau pergi ilgkn dirimu?i admit i do miss you .. like duh ! ofcoz lar kn .. haha . haiya .. asl arh ? asl mcm nie ? knape knape knape?ala.. tk suke tau mcm nie .. hiyak dush ! haha
went to nani's hse ,was browsin picture albums n saw pics way back wen i was afew mths old..haha ..tgk mama n papa nye muke time dulu2 wah muke maintain sey drg haha ..rumah nani kecoh dgn tawa riang tgk gmbr2 dulu yg atk simpan hees .. ader yg memalukn sungguh ! ya allah ! hahaha..