Thursday, December 31, 2009
wish upon a star ..
tresses ft.nisaaa
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
merry christmas

On e 26th dec , we celebrated christmas at my crib , yes yes christmas falls on e 25th , bt wth tetap celeb wat .. so strt off e day helping mama cook e dishes .. wah ! i tell u sume soooodaaaaaappp ! hahaha . especially wen mama cooked one whole roasted chicken .. itu best2 wif e gravy .. yummy !skip skip e cooking . aunts n uncles came .. but papa wasnt home yet frm work :( tkper lor .. we waited .. haha he da arrived kite pun strt noisy2 , uncle requested a song , so ktrg pun karaoke haha . bising i tell u .. n guess wat .. si joya jr pun sing ! a 3yr old kid sang e song cari jodoh , imagine dat . haha . funi i tell u .. she pekik2 tu ader arh . skip skip . me n ati jdk partner atk for e day , we sang wif him lar kn haha . skip skip . da mlm haha , wif my dress on i jdk babysitter mandikn bdak2 , ajoya potential mother okae . anione interested nk jdk daddy of ajoya ? hahaha den aft dat had a heart to heart talk wif aunties , wow ! mcm2 ehk .. hehe .. den papa bukak botol . whee ~ ! haha kae mls nk elaborate lgk .. bye
Sunday, December 20, 2009
last day out ..
Monday, December 14, 2009
black day out ft. nisa ..hehe
basically my BesterestSouls *wink2* reach our 5th year ! whee ~
so we went out e day aft our 5th yr .. we decided to bring nisa along :) so as pernrml we met up .. mya was late super late .. hehe .. she came an hr aft e time dat we've set .. first time tau im nt late .. kae skip2 .. so we took a bus ride to our mkn place skip2 .. we walk to orchard centre .. we went up to its roof garden .. i tell u its super gorgeous up der .. it was a pity dat nisa didnt came up wif us .. takut kate kn hahaha .. kae nvm .. aft dat we zoom off to raffles hotel .. i had a mission in mind is to find dat water fountain .. n we did found it ! whee ~ kae skip2 lgk .. kite go to esp .. we wrote our wishes at dis big floating ball thingy .. it took us an hr coz mya n me cant think of anitin to write abt .. skip2 .. we went to our tmpt kenangan at cavenagh bridge .. camwhore here n der .. haha .. kesian camera nisa hahaha .. well den nisa wanted to go hme due to her being sick .. so kite as an understanding frens we sent her hme .. so baik kn ktrg .. i knw .. hahaha .. so e whole day we took 275 pictures.. imagine dat ! tu da kire wif pause sane sini u knw .. bayangkn tkde pause beribu gmbr kot haha .. kae nyet !
p/s : pictures will be uploaded in e nxt post yar ? insyallah .. *wink2*
Sunday, December 6, 2009
& so she ask me to update about the three of us (azura, me and hanis) watch Mulan. hahaha. Its a random plan actually. We went to Lot 1 and don't know what to do and then decide to watch movie. So yar.. we watched Mulan. Its not a bad movie afterall. hehe. Finally the three of us meet.
Orite, i don't know what else to say.. I'll stop here i guess. I will ask ajoya to update this blog when her lappy is back to normal kay? (:
Takecare readers!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
im nt missing u .. yet ..
Friday, November 13, 2009

lalalala ! up here are my crime bbys ! haha they are clarence n charman .. well nt only them lar ..there's also ilyas , kiki , mimi ,hani ,iqa n hmm sape ehk yg always do illegal things .. hahaha .. hmm .. yar .. yg laen in sch all gd gd arh haha if tk gd pun nt as bad as us lar kn haha ... okae dis phto was taken way back .. they we're doin their cip at town area ... n as for me i was shopping ! hahaha was walking at peragon saw them at e other side .. so i called them hahaha .. they we're like ..wer r u sia ? gosh ! azurau knw wat e guys do ? they go take e _______ .. just coz its free.. hahaha charman , too bad lor u have to deal wif those two kiasus hahaha so yeah walk2 here shop2 der .. den while walkin towards ion saw dem busy wif watevr shits they have to sell haha so i went up to them , had a little chat n took picture .. hahaha soo basically this post is for my peepos mention above .. they're e devils of my hells dats always der wen im up to smth haha or e other way round .. yesyes we gt in trouble most of e time .. esp me,ilyas,clarence n charman .. e awesome 4 dat nvr fails to laguh n make awful loud noises in class hahaha wat if we're 'criminals' e most impt thing to me is dat all of us treasure our frenships dats gona last till eternity .. lets just have fun ! ouh ya .. n i do gona miss dat JIWE of mine n dat MAMAT CINE (clarence) too .. u guys wont be in e same class as us nxt yr 4 sum obvious reasons ... hmm sedih tau ! bt nvm .. ttp akn ku syg kae hahha ...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Quack Quack !

Friday, November 6, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
All Time Trios !
Saturday, October 31, 2009
You Can Do It !
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
hiyak dush !

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I hope im back girls ..

Sunday, October 18, 2009
remember the days .. ?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
hiyak dush !

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
never be replaced
this video was created by nur izzwany bte sa'ad , pictures was taken way back .. those time we had , the tears ,the joys , the laughters .. gosh ! i miss you girls like hell lots ! i miss having fun with this two besties .. those memories we had ..those time we spent together doing nothing just sitting down each with a drink at our usual places,talking craps non stop .. or just plainly entertaining ourselves day dreaming hahaha ! menjiwanging , camwhoring , singing , dancing ,crapping, kutuking,gossiping,crying,laughing,smiling,kacau-ing hahaha ! and many more 'ingS' haha ! years with you girls are just wonderful , i repeat ehk , years with you girls are just wonderful !!! let's give deaf ears to those who talk bad bout each of us .. woohoo !! haha coz u knw y ? we knw ourselves deep dwn .. so watevr bullshits we're abt to here thats not gona break our friendship .. for those who have tried u people knw how hard it is to break us apart.. before u try , think twice coz ur gona failed .. hiyak dush !!huahuahuahua da go gugugaga over this topic .. huak! haha bottom line i love hanis amirah bte rosani & nur izzwany bte sa'ad !!
what the ..
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
ajoya nicanora !
Saturday, October 3, 2009
gaaaaaahhhhhh !!!
as'salammualaikum semua .. hehe .. its been such a loooooooong time i met up wif this 2 boys ..gaaahh! finally rindu ku telah diubati haha ! yes uncle brought them here yay uncle ! haha .. oh hazri,u've grown n yes i must say u look like ur big bro wen he was little .. exactly e same..e looks,e smile,ur personality...lgk2 wen ur hyper dtg..adui ! haifi num 2 lar awak hazri..haha !
i was using e laptop , searching 4 songs wen i heard a little voices laughing ..i popped out my head n i saw hazri ..i was like .. wah ! awak da besar lar ! haha ..kae i gt hugs frm both yay! haha ..haifi was all excited wen he saw me , yela da nk 2 thn tk jmpe tau rindu kakak sdare dieer yg satu nie lar haha. hazri wasnt able to recognise us as at dat point of time his still afew mths old ..okae yada yada yada ..they were running here n der .. n i was smiling .. ape tk nye da lame tk npk kn .. drg serak kn bilik pun i da dun mind lar yg penting drg happy .. hazri saw my elmo collections n guess wat .. he shouted 'elmon!' .. gosh i couldnt stop laughing .. cute banget deh ..haifi plak ader ditepi biliku sorok2 ntah uat ape rupe2 nye npk keychain liverpool..peminat besar katekn so he was like ' kakak aipi nk nie blh plz ? *blink* ' .. dlm hati da mcm ' almk pi,bynk2 benda u ask 4 dat adui .. ' , so bagi je lar hahaha tk dpt jmpe kakak nnt tgk keychain jek kae .. umur aru 7thn tapi minat dier kat bola fuh tk terkata,cube lar u all tanye dier psl kereta sume nye dier blh ans sng , segale name kereta dier hafal ..da besar kalau tk jadi pemain bola atau penjual kereta tk tau lar nk ckp ape kn .. hahaha !
so took pics of them eventhough kat lappy da berlambak ..hahaha ! gaaahhh !! 2 da dpt jmpe lgk 4 mane ilg? asl yg ilg sume lelaki ? grrrr .. lgk2 abg mamat ku , npk adk sdare sendiri mcm da tk knl..senyum jek bih tk ckp sedih tau ..thn nie da masuk kire2 4 thn tk jmpe abg .. raye pun tk dtg umah nani .. abg ,if ur able to read dis , plz dtg umah nani ... adk2 sume rindu abg,ismail n isa .. kite incomplete tau raye u all tkde berturut2 :(
to adk kiki , kak zura rindu kiki ..dtg sengkang lar jmpe kak2 sume kite rindu awak tau .. guess u've grown up too ..gaaahhhh !!! asl my cousins yg lelaki sume ilg sey .. tinggal si boboy jek dier tu kecik tk tau pape :(
to u ,
y isit dat it feels we're drifting further apart?kemana kau pergi ilgkn dirimu?i admit i do miss you .. like duh ! ofcoz lar kn .. haha . haiya .. asl arh ? asl mcm nie ? knape knape knape?ala.. tk suke tau mcm nie .. hiyak dush ! haha
went to nani's hse ,was browsin picture albums n saw pics way back wen i was afew mths old..haha ..tgk mama n papa nye muke time dulu2 wah muke maintain sey drg haha ..rumah nani kecoh dgn tawa riang tgk gmbr2 dulu yg atk simpan hees .. ader yg memalukn sungguh ! ya allah ! hahaha..
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
oh! dat nicanora
Saturday, September 26, 2009
terguris tk terkata
Friday, September 18, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
sayang drg !
oh i love her soooo much !
the girls dat cheers me up wen im down (:
she's one of a kind ,
this kiddo brightens every single day of my life ,
she's e smaller version of me *wink2*
the girl who loves make up more den anything,
n is trying very hard to be like me haha !
cute kn ?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
my love
to mimi my cute bitch ! congrats ehk sis ..
i know u know lar kn ..