blog dead nye , hehe kae this days im very very buzy wif sch,me dearest bby n helping mummy wif kuih n cleaning the hse n delivering all e kuih(S) 2 our beloved customer. yes3! everyday aft buka went out wif daddy merata singapura.sesungguhnye ajoya sangatlah tired sebab itu lar da jarang kite on computer . pejam celik pejam celik da nk raya . tahun ini rase cepat sgt da raya. so here i am 2 days before hari raya ! yay2!tapi3,kite tk pergi sekolah,sick lar plak .. da duduk at hme rest rest rest .. so i woke up arnd 12 i tink , so da bangun mandi duduk2 watch tv , den mummy sound nk go set rmbt utk raya ? den im like okae lar blh arh , coz every year rmbt same jek .. boring g2 kn .. smpi nye kat kedai rmbt tk tau nk uat ape , was thinking nk trim2 jek den mummy ckp she dun want me short hair dis year so okae lor i ask her wat she doin wif her hair , den she say she want perm .. den im like ehk ? nk jgk arh .. coz like e last time i perm my hair was wen im 6 years old..hehe .. so yar i said i want big curls coz tk nk kecoh2 arh haha .. den she say okae2 tapi she go say ntah ape kat dat hair lady den my curls mcm medium2 small g2 .. at first im like wak ! rmbt kecoh per ma ? den she say aft afew days okae lar tu .. den im likee muke da monyong jek haha ! so yar while waiting for her i gt my cntcts den perut cramp again so decided to went hme first n have a rest .. so reach hme den bby called so talk to him dlm brape min g2 jek den ltk coz he ask me rest he say i sick den duno how to rest .. kene membebel ..sedih! so yar aft buke i go wer ehk ? errr duno ehk ..
1 day b4 raya .. wah excited ! i woke up arnd 10 ? coz mummy woke me up ckp i need to babysit my cuzens as the mak2 sume nk go geylang .. debish ! so bgn , mandi uat hmwrk den came dis two little kiddos that brightens my day with their laughters .. so tinggal anak2 kecil di rumah , so yar all of us did our hmwrks while waching dvds..little kiddos played with my guitar,scary u knw tkt jek terputus .. haha so yar they beg me to on watevr dvds that they wanted to watch ..so yar syg nye psl on kn lar dvd tu sume ... arnd 2pm or 3pm g2 uncle came so he accompanied us smpi daddy went hme so yar daddy went picking up the mak2 at geylang den kite kids wait for him to come back n fetch us.. so aft buka we went hme nk tgk bola n watch ape tu sinar lebaran..den arnd kul 1am g2 went out to geylang bazaar .. haha bby went der too .. igt rmi org tk npk lar kn .. tapi3 ! i saw him lar haha ..mcm klaka arh coz i inside car den bby wif ayah,ibu n bibir at traffic light terpampang muke ibu dpn2 trus i txt him hahaha ! cute g2 coz like daddy yg sibuk2 kae watevr lar kn hahaa ... so yar went hme at 4.3o aduh ! tired man .. hehe .. raya post erm nnt2 lar ehk .. mls arh hahaha ..
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